Created by Naomi 3 years ago

My Grandads sense of humour was in a class of its own. I have retold so many of his stories to my friends over drinks, and cried with laughter as i told them as if I was there. There are so many, that I'll likely spend the rest of my life retelling them. I will miss his smile, and his little high pitched splutter of a laugh that would often preclude "i was winding you up, lover"

I'll always remember Grandad playing my prince charming for my annual xmas day production, his insistance that i call him 007,watching him rub silver into the palms of both my newborn baby's, and his voice as he says "alright cock," "he's a dear little chap" and that laugh. And obviously that bloody car journeyto Bath, when he turned the car into a sauna because Timmy asked him to shut a window. Still wiping the sweat from my body and its been years! 

I wish everybody could have met him, my amazing Grandad who filled every room with  laughter and energy, and the too-mad-to-be-true stories.

-miss Money-Penny is holding the fort down here, so just rest easy 007-